My Vision as an artist is that the purpose of art is to portray the beauty and meaning of life

I have been drawing for as long as I can remember. The fine art skills and knowledge I have today came from studying art intensively for 15 years from the age of nine. I was fortunate to have very professional art teachers, and I went through the system of art education that taught art in the classical way.

My art education combines three five-year courses. I studied drawing, painting, art history, decorative arts, and sculpture at a school of fine arts. By today's standards, this would qualify me as a professional artist. Then it was the five-year course at the academy of arts' department of easel painting and drawing. And finally, I spent five more years obtaining a university degree as a professional fine art teacher.

Since then, fine art has been an essential part of my professional life. After graduation, I was painting in oil and watercolor, and I had exhibitions in Europe and North America. My artworks have found their homes in collections in the USA, Canada, UK, Russia, Finland, Holland, Germany, Poland, France, Spain, and many other countries.

Presently I am teaching art students from various countries over the Internet. Thanks to new technologies, it is possible to provide value to many people who can learn drawing and painting techniques from me.

To view some of my works, check the Art Gallery »



My Mission as the encaustic artist is to revive this ancient medium and develop the recipes and painting techniques that would allow to fully express creative tasks an artist has in mind.

To this day, the challenges of hot beeswax painting limit fine artists in numerous ways. There are many questions yet to be solved, including what the Punic Wax is, how to obtain beeswax paints that would last for centuries, and how to apply such paints in a way that gives total control over the painting process. I want to put my input into this topic and bring back the beautiful art of encaustic to its former glory. To fulfil this Mission, I share my know-how of making art in encaustic.

For many years, I was testing various encaustic materials, creating my own binders and wax paints, developing methods and techniques of hot beeswax painting. My knowledge of this medium comes not only from my own experience, but also from scientific research, old texts, visiting museums around the world to see the art of ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian painters who intimately knew the encaustic medium.

The breakthrough in figurative encaustic painting is only possible when using the right tools and materials. That is why I invested considerable efforts in inventing very special encaustic painting tools:

  • Vladimir London Encaustic Bristle Brush™
  • Vladimir London Cauterium™
  • Vladimir London Encaustic Felt Pen™
  • Vladimir London Encaustic Cartridge Brush™
  • Vladimir London Encaustic Ballpoint Pen™

To tell my story about the encaustic medium, paints, tools and techniques, I wrote the Book on Encaustic that will be very helpful to those who are interested in this medium.

Encaustic artworks by Vladimir London »



My Mission as an art teacher is:

  • To Show - To promote genuine values of classical fine art, and continue the traditions of the Old Masters, passing them on to new generations of artists.
  • To Teach - To provide professional art education and share the knowledge, keeping the classical art techniques alive.
  • To Inspire - To encourage artists to seek inspiration in true values of the classical fine art and to develop an individual creative style based on the rich heritage of artistic know-how and craftsmanship.

To fulfill my Mission, I founded Life Drawing Academy, Watercolor Academy, Drawing Academy and Anatomy Master Class. I'm also the co-founder of Natalie Richy's Old Masters Academy.

In all art courses, I provide unlimited personal support to all students for as long as they need my assistance.

Find out more about my Art Courses »



My Purpose as a writer is to help fine artists achieve success

My greatest passion is to share my knowledge and experience and to be useful to artists who strive for success. Seeing my personal example, books and videos helping students to become better artists fascinates me and gives me a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

I write practical books about art on topics such as how to draw and paint, as well as how to promote one's art.

Some of my books and guides are part of the art courses' curriculum. Find out more about my Art Books and Videos »